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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thoughts of yesterday

It seems silly to me to argue whether Clovis man is the oldest in the Americas, or if the first people “walked across the Bering Straits, or if they traversed an “Ice Free Corridor” when they moved south to populate what is now the U.S. and South America.

With all the evidence it is clear to me that beyond the Aztecs and the Mayans, before the Egyptian Kingdoms, the Assyrians, and all the other so-called ancient civilizations we know about, there was another world of people who populated this planet.  They were technologically advanced, even beyond what we are today.

Then, something happened.  It could have been disease or warfare or other natural disturbances, but something almost wiped out human kind.  The few souls that were remaining struggled to survive and for the next few generations they were scavenging for food and living in caves or whatever shelter they could devise.  There were people everywhere, but they were sparse and technologically speaking, they were starting from ground zero.

After a few years, stored gasoline would be used or turned to gel and combustion engines would become useless.  There would be nobody refining oil, making steel, or producing much of anything except food.

After a while, all the metal objects would rust away, wood products would rot or wear down to nothing and the only things that would remain would be stone edifices, pyramids, henges, etc.  These edifices would probably become congregation points for the people who survived, their link to the past, and legends would grow up around them.

Even assuming a population growth rate of 4.0 percent (only achieved by the country of Liberia) it would have taken a tribe of 20 individuals 100 years to reach a population of 1,000 persons.  After 200 years, the tribe would be almost 50,000 people strong who, no doubt, would have split up into several different tribes, probably already warring amongst themselves and other surviving tribes  By this time, all technology would have been lost as well as many talents.

This is the stage where we find our ancient ancestors, the Assyrians, Aztecs, Mayans and Egyptians.  This is where we start recording history again and the cycle continues.  There are legends on all continents by diverse peoples that point to this scenario, the legend of Noah’s Ark is just one of them.

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