

Welcome to my inner sanctum. I am, as my cousin LuAnn so nicely put it, a "born again, founding fathers, conservative." I am opinionated and you are apt to find anything on this page.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Not A Lost Soul

There are many out there who interpret the recent events in my life as a turning point; a rebirth if you will.  Most of the religious people who I have come in contact with during my lifetime have tried to “save” me, which means they thought I was a lost soul; they could not have been more wrong.  Even though I did not understand the significance of many biblical events or Jesus’ place in the whole biblical picture, there was never a time when I was not searching for “truth.”  For sure, a lot of things in my life have caused me to veer off the path to salvation, and I am far from being “without sin,” but I was always “seeking.” I think many folks are, silently, the same way.

Essentially, my recent “enlightenment” was nothing more than a better understanding of biblical events and a confirmation of the beliefs I already had.  What truly amazes me is the sequence of events that took place leading up to the day when my life changed.  Like I said in my previous writing, I had not attended more than a very few church services since I was a child and I am still perplexed about my sudden attendance at Lane Baptist Church, and my attachment to Pastor John Howard.  This relationship was all in place before the event that caused my enlightenment.

I think, most folks, finding themselves in a situation like the one in which I found myself on the morning of March 10, 2013 would have given a different response to the question that was posed to me.  “Do you want to go to the hospital”? I was asked.  “No,” I replied, I want to go to church.  Does that sound like the response of a lost soul?  The really amazing part is that at any other time in my entire life I was not affiliated with a church and would not have had a place to go!  Could my attachment to Lane Baptist Church and John Howard have been divine intervention?  I think so.  My guardian angels were watching over me during a major event in my life.

To all of those who thought I was a lost soul, I respond with the words of our true guiding light, “I came and ye knew me not.”