

Welcome to my inner sanctum. I am, as my cousin LuAnn so nicely put it, a "born again, founding fathers, conservative." I am opinionated and you are apt to find anything on this page.

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Monday, February 2, 2015

The Laws of Nature

All my life I have been a student of the physical universe.  Physics is the proper term for that field of study and I remember, even as a young kid, that it was an intimidating word requiring the understanding of difficult subjects.  I was wrong, Physics is very intuitive and is nothing more than the study of the forces in nature (God’s Laws) and the relationships between them.  scientists put a man on the moon by understanding the laws of momentum, acceleration, and the pull of gravity that were first developed by Sir Isaac Newton in the 1600’s, and physics is the tool that allowed them to do that!

Sir Isaac Newton

 The understanding and faith in the physical laws of nature was developed after many years of empirical studies and observations.  We needed to know that these laws worked every time and in all places and that they were actually “LAWS” and not just postulations.
I have recently discovered that there are a similar set of laws that govern the spiritual universe!  These are also “God’s Laws,” but since they are not subject to empirical studies and measurement, they are not as easily understood and we have more difficulty having faith in them.  Nevertheless, they are equally as reliable and, over time, the effects of them can be felt.  Most of us are familiar with these laws but they are not in the form of the laws of physics where we are usually confronted with things like A+B=C etc.
The laws that govern the spiritual realm take the form “Ask and ye shall receive,” and “Whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”  Notice that God’s spiritual laws are all activated by words!  God created us and the universe by simply uttering words and we wield the power of God with our words.  When we speak words out of our mouths they become a spiritual force backed by the power of God.  We should choose our words very carefully, they can help us but they can also do us great harm.  Words are the most powerful thing in the universe!  A great man once said, “those that say they can and those that say they can’t are both right”!  Remember, “In the beginning was the word, and the word was God.”
Words are the seeds we sow and if we sow good seeds we will reap a good harvest!