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Thursday, July 24, 2014


Have faith!  That is what they say.  We are told that Faith is the key to success and salvation.  All the self-help books in the world will tell you to visualize what you want.  See it in your mind’s eye and believe in it and it will happen.  I think these are intuitive instructions.  Most of us understand the relationship between a positive outlook and good feelings and it stands to reason that the more we work on those principles of positive thinking the better they work.  We experience it every day in our personal lives.  Sometimes it’s difficult to maintain a positive outlook but we try.

Most of us would agree that faith and self-confidence are basically the same thing.  If that is true then we are left with the assumption that we can gain the most faith if we are asked to believe in things that make sense to our God given ability to reason.

Belief in Biblical events would be more easily achieved if the scriptures were not encumbered with improbabilities.  I’m sure the tales of “Noah’s Ark” have some historical significance but in the context of a literal interpretation it doesn’t make common sense!  I feel the same way about Jonah and the Whale, it just doesn’t make sense!  Virgin births?  Maybe in some asexual life forms like bacteria, fungi, and some starfish, but not with humans.  It doesn’t make sense

All these things that don’t make sense undermine the credibility of all the scriptures and make it nearly impossible to develop biblical faith!  God made us and we are his reservoirs of faith, not a book that has been transcribed, interpreted, and mishandled by devious men for centuries.  Look within and have faith that God has given you the sensibilities to sort things out.  In the end, the Bible will also make more sense to you.

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